「プロとして演奏することがあろうとなかろうと、困っている人たちのために演奏することは、トランペットを練習する十分な理由になる」演奏家インタビュー:アレン・ヴィズッティ氏(トランペット奏者 Allen Vizzutti, Trumpet)



[English is below Japanese]

ヤマハのアーティストでもあるトランペット奏者のアレン・ヴィズッティ氏(Allen Vizzutti)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。










作曲を通して表現することを愛するアレンの作品は、ロサンゼルス・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、ブダペスト放送管弦楽団、ロンドン・ロイヤル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、ニュルンベルク交響楽団、ロチェスター・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、シラキュース交響楽団、ロンドン交響楽団、有名なサミット・ブラス、ロイヤル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団などで初演されている。シラキュース交響楽団との 「エメラルド協奏曲 」の世界初演後、アレンの作曲は批評でこう評された: 「エメラルド協奏曲はきらきらと輝いている!…作曲家としての彼の劇的な直感と技術的な才能の両方をよく物語る快活な作品である。」




1. まずあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのトランペット奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?








2. これからトランペットを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、トランペットやトランペットのために書かれた作品にあなたがどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?






3. 練習や演奏をする際、例えばソロリサイタルの際やバンド、オーケストラのメンバーとして舞台に上がる際に、特に注意していることや心がけていることはありますか?

1) 現在の時間にとどまる。あまり先のことを考えたり、今何を演奏したかを考えたりしないこと。その瞬間に集中しましょう。
2) 大きくリラックスして息を吸い、美しい音を出す。これを何度も何度も…。


4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードや、これまでの活動で最も印象に残っているエピソードがあれば、それらについて教えて下さい。








5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)







6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。



7. 最後に、日本の若い演奏家(アマチュアを含む)やプロの演奏家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。

フルタイムのプロ・トランペット奏者になるのはとても、とても難しい。実質的な収入の可能性は極めて限られています。日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカはそれぞれキャリアのチャンスに関して少し異なりますが、AI、ストリーミング、インターネットの乱立、交響楽団などの伝統的な音楽環境の衰退がもたらす課題は常に存在します。競争は激しい。 仕事は限られている。ソロでブレイクする可能性は低い。










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取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)



Interview with Allen Vizzutti, Trumpet


“Finely tuned wind, easy control, polyharmonic wit, orchestral penman-ship, punctuated spiritual warmth…rarely do so many qualities find them-selves in one musician.” Chick Corea

Equally at home in a multitude of musical idioms, Allen Vizzutti has visited 70 countries, Ja-pan 49 times, and every state in the union to perform with a rainbow of artists and ensembles including Chick Corea, ‘Doc’ Severinsen, the NBC Tonight Show Band, the Airmen Of Note, the Army Blues and Army Symphony Orchestra, Chuck Mangione, Woody Herman, Japan’s NHK Orchestra and the New Tokyo Philharmonic, the Budapest Radio Orchestra, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Leipzig Wind Symphony, the Slovenian National Orchestra and the Kosei Wind Orchestra. Performing as a classical and a jazz artist, often in the same even-ing, he has appeared as guest soloist with symphony orchestras in Japan, Germany, St. Lou-is, Seattle, Rochester N.Y., Dallas, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Phoenix, Edmonton, Vancouver, Se-attle and Minnesota to name a few. Music lovers in Germany, Poland, England, Sweden, Bra-zil, Canada, Japan, Australia and the United States have heard his brilliant sound over the airwaves of national television. Allen’s status as an artist has led to solo performances at the Hollywood Bowl, Carnegie Hall, Newport Jazz Festival, Banff Center for the Performing Arts, Montreaux Jazz Festival, the Teton, Vail, Aspen and Breckenridge Music Festivals, the Charles Ives Center, Suntory Hall & Opera City Hall in Tokyo and Lincoln Center in New York City.

From his home in Seattle Washington, Allen’s current career activities embody an impressive schedule of recitals, concerts, recording and composing. His continued commitment to music education and the value of music in everyday life results in an extensive schedule of guest appearances throughout North America, South America, Europe, Japan, Australia, Asia and New Zealand.

Allen’s many recordings include “Ritzville” featuring Chick Corea and Stanley Clarke,
(available at <www.vizzutti.com> and on iTunes). Other solo jazz recordings include “Trumpet Summit” and “Skyrocket” from Summit Records. Classical recordings currently available, (DeHaske Classical Recordings), are “The Emerald Concerto and Other Gems”, with the Bu-dapest Radio Orchestra, “Vizzutti Plays Vizzutti” and “Vizzutti and Soli On Tour”. His “High Class Brass”, (on iTunes), is a wonderfully unique classical and jazz blend co-produced, co-written and performed with fellow trumpet artist, composer and conductor, Jeff Tyzik along with a 90-piece studio orchestra. (on iTunes) Other outstanding Vizzutti recordings are “Ba-roque and Beyond”, (CBS/Sony), “The Carnival of Venus”, (Summit Records), and “A Trum-peter’s Dream, (Ludwig Music Publishing).

As Artist in Residence, Allen has taught at the Eastman School of Music, the University of North Texas, the University of South Carolina, the Banff Center for the Performing Arts, Kan-sas State University, Ohio State University, West Texas State University, the Skidmore Jazz Institute, and the Trompeten Akademie of Bremen Germany. His extensive treatise, “The Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Method” and his “New Concepts for Trumpet”, (Alfred Music Publishing), have become standards works for trumpet study worldwide. Many more of Allen’s jazz and classical books, play along recordings, and student and recital compositions are published by DeHaske/Hal Leonard, BIM Switzerland, and Village Place Music. His writing includes solo pieces for piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, tuba, and harp, chamber groups, wind ensemble, jazz ensemble, and symphony orchestra.

Allen’s love of expression through composition has led to premier performances by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Budapest Radio Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic of London, the Nuremberg Symphony, Rochester Philharmonic, Syracuse Symphony, London Symphony, the renowned Summit Brass, the Royal Philharmonic Brass and others. After the world prem-ier of his “Emerald Concerto” with the Syracuse Symphony Allen’s writing was described in review: “The Emerald Concerto sparkles!…a vivacious treatment which speaks well for both his dramatic instinct and technical prowess as a composer.”

While growing up in Montana, Allen was taught by his father, a self taught musician and trumpet player, until he left home to attend the Eastman School of Music on full scholarship. There he earned the Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees, a Performer’s Certifi-cate, a chair in the Eastman Brass Quintet faculty ensemble, and the first Artist’s Diploma ev-er awarded a wind player in Eastman’s history.

Allen has performed on over 150 motion picture sound tracks, (such as Back To The Future and Star Trek), as well as countless TV shows, commercials and recordings with such artists as Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Neil Diamond, Chick Corea, the Commodores and Prince. His soaring sound can be heard on recent the movies, “Mirror, Mirror”, “Furry Vengeance”, “40 Days and 40 Nights”, “Unfaithfully Yours”, “Gridiron Gang”, “Scary Movie Four”, “The Hulk” and the “Medal of Honor”, “Gears of War”, “World of Warcraft” ,and “Halo” video games.


1. Would you start by telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Trumpet player?

My childhood home is Missoula, Montana, USA. I had a brother and a sister and lived with my family in a middle class neighborhood. My father owned a music instrument store and was a self taught amateur trumpet player. He taught me to play from the age 7 until I entered the Eastman School of Music at age 17. My father carefully guided me through the fundamentals and always emphasized musical phrasing and beauty of sound. He was my only teacher.

The Eastman School of music is located in Rochester NY, a small city 350 miles from New York City. It is a vibrant music conservatory and offered many opportunities and challenges. I found myself in a compatible environment and enjoyed a lot of success. Ater my first year there I was playing in the professional faculty Eastman Brass Quintet, The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, The Eastman Wind Ensemble, The Eastman Philharmonia, The Eastman Jazz Ensemble and Studio Orchestra as well as doing many free lance jobs of all kinds in the area. Before long my reputation led to solo appearances with bands, orchestras and jazz groups eventually expanding across the USA. I left the Eastman School with Bachelors and Masters degrees, a Performers Certificate and an Artists Diploma. My next adventure, after turning down an offer to play first trumpet in the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra, (Texas), was to go on the road with the Woody Herman Jazz Big Band. These types of opportunities were a result of performing in public as often as possible and word of mouth recommendations. That was the “networking” of the day. Similarly through recommendation I was asked to join Chick Corea’s group and toured with his groups in several different iterations. It was with Chick Corea that I first visited Japan and on my second visit I connected with Yamaha Nippon Gakki. That was in 1980. I am still a Yamaha performing artist. Basically, the network I built, all before the internet, was based on experience and training at the Eastman School, along with a multitude of performing and recording that led from one opportunity to the next.


2. For those who are thinking about starting the Trumpet or have just started playing, would you tell me about your attraction to the Trumpet and the works written for the Trumpet?

I don’t play any other instruments. Luckily I happened to interface with my chosen instrument well. I encourage everyone to play an instrument. It is fun, challenging and healthy for the player and those who listen to us. I was attracted to the limitless expressive possibilities of the trumpet and, as a small awkward kid, being good at playing it helped my self esteem. From a young age I could feel the positive feedback and energy coming from the audience. It was mesmerizing to have the power to make someone feel good through music. After visiting 77 countries I am confident in saying that music truly is a universal language. Regarding the trumpet literature, there are some great pieces of course. There is also a lot of mediocre material often badly written for the instrument. I am constantly writing music for different levels of trumpet playing. There is always an advantage to writing for your own instrument because you know the sometimes inexplicable pedagogical intricacies so well. I hope I will have contributed significantly to trumpet literature before I am finished.


3. When practicing or performing, for example, in a solo recital or on stage as a member of an orchestra or band, is there anything you pay special attention to or keep in mind?

Absolutely! Keep these two thoughts in mind and you will be more successful performing.
1) Stay in present time. Don’t think too far ahead or think about what you just played. Focus on the moment.
2) Take a big relaxed breath and make a beautiful sound. Do this over and over…


4. If you have any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player or that have left the greatest impression on you in your past activities, would you tell me about them?

I come from an average size US town with limited professional musical arts opportunities. My parents. Lido and Beverly Vizzutti, were always supportive of my music study and performing. When I was about 14 years old I performed the solo Napoli with band and during the applause I could see my father smiling and crying at the same time. That moment really imprinted permanently in my brain.

My parents had the foresight to send me to an international music camp for 2 summers – more or less to see how I compared with some of the most gifted young musicians my age. Playing music in orchestra and band those 2 summers, at a very high level for students 15 and 16 years old, set fire to my desire to pursue music even though I didn’t really know what that meant for the future.
During my time at the Eastman School of music, I played several solo recitals. My first full length classical recital is a fond memory and gave me confidence. The recital hall was full. I played well and received a positive reception. My family had traveled 2,000 mile to attend the concert. That was a happy day.
When I left university and immediately went on the road with a jazz big band playing first trumpet we played and recorded in Carnegie Hall. Not long after there were pivotal decisions that presented themselves. Forks in the road that would affect my career. I worked with Chick Corea, a tenure filled with highlights beginning with a 3 month tour outside the United States including countries in South America, Asia, Australia and Europe.
When I was asked to record an entire CD of my own compositions for trumpet and orchestra with the Budapest Radio Orchestra it turned out to be one of my favorite projects. It was a challenge and a thrill. The recording is available and is called “The Emerald Concerto and Other Gems”.
Some of the more meaningful performances were not about me or my career but about the healing power of the music and the people listening. I fondly remember emotional moments and introspection while performing informally in old persons’ living facilities and for the severely disabled. As a youngster I played Taps at many military funerals in my home town during the Vietnam war. Whether or not you ever play professionally playing for those in need is reason enough to practice your trumpet.


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

My biggest influence is my best friend and colleague, Jeff Tyzik. He is an ex-trumpet player, now a composer, arranger and producer. Jeff is the most important and best pops symphony conductor in the USA. His writing, orchestration and arranging is second to none. We met at music conservatory and have worked together ever since.
Doc Severinsen,now 97 years old, is an important mentor.

Touring, recording and being friends with Chick Corea was a huge influence on me. Being with him was like absorbing knowledge from a jazz Mozart.

My jazz and contemporary media professor Rayburn Wright was extremely helpful in teaching me the fundamentals of writing, arranging and production.

Of course I was influenced by the masters of trumpet on recordings. Rafael Mendez. Maurice Andre. Armando Ghitalla. Adolph Herseth. Miles Davis. Lee Morgan. Clifford Brown. Bobby Shew. Michael Brecker. And many more.

I never really emulated anyone in an effort to sound exactly like them. I wanted to allow myself to have my own sound and style.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future)?

I intend to pursue my career as I have in the past as long as I can play well. One never knows how long that will be. Writing is still important to me and I enjoy it very much. Generally speaking my intention is to carry on as I always have and to create and seize opportunities to perform and entertain the best I can.


7. Finally, what advice would you give to young Japanese performers (including amateurs) and Japanese students who aspire to become professional players?

It is very, very difficult to become a full time professional trumpet player. Substantial income possibilities are extremely limited. Japan, Europe and the USA are all a bit different regarding career opportunities but the challenges presented by AI, streaming, internet clutter and the decline of traditional music settings such as symphony orchestras is ever present. The competition is fierce. The work is limited. Creating a breakout solo career is unlikely.

Yes. Some trumpet players will succeed in a big way. It’s similar to becoming a big league baseball pitcher. A few excellent players will make it to the big leagues. But of the thousands who want to be pros only the tiniest percentage will succeed. That’s the reality.

Music education as a profession is the exception. We need more music teachers. Combining teaching with performing can be a wonderful career choice.

There are many factors that contribute to success in the professional music world. Firstly, you need to be a fantastic and consistent player with honed skills such as sight reading, knowledge of myriad styles, skills with transposition, an understanding of when to be a soloist and when to be a section player, long endurance and possibly improvisational skills. You need to be early to every service with the correct instruments, an array of mutes, a pencil and dressed appropriately. You should keep quiet and focused. Don’t warm up by showing off high notes. Don’t comment on the music you are hired to play unless it is praise. Never be disruptive trying to be funny or by sharing an opinion about the project if you are not the leader or composer.

Be kind. Make a beautiful sound.

Thanks, allen


More information is available at https://vizzutti.com/


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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